Star • [CHI2010] h Per M 4259

h and chi Per
Proposed Clusters
h Per
Alternate Names
[CHI2010] h Per M 4259
PSO J022203.070+570511.538
IPHAS J022203.08+570511.7
mayne2007_persei 3763
GDR2 458406090047181056
[Cloutier2014] 4156
SIP Output

Fiducial Data

Parameter Value Error Unit Reference
cluster_name h and chi Per [char] cloutier2014
mem_num 0 [integer] cloutier2014
ra 02 22 03.0739 h m s cloutier2014
dec +57 05 11.3586 d m s cloutier2014
ra_deg 35.51280807 deg cloutier2014
dec_deg 57.08648851 deg cloutier2014
U 23.401 -22.874 mag bell2013
V 21.832 0.026 mag currie2010
Ic 19.022 0.008 mag currie2010
g_sloan 22.583 0.102 mag bell2013
r_sloan 20.975 0.08 mag flewelling2016
i_sloan 19.796 0.033 mag flewelling2016
z_sloan 19.105 0.021 mag flewelling2016
y_opt 18.638 0.044 mag (AB) flewelling2016
gaia_g 20.7024 0.0141 mag gaiacollaboration2018
gaia_bp 20.9006 0.2049 mag gaiacollaboration2018
gaia_rp 18.9906 0.0439 mag gaiacollaboration2018
S_3p6 15.5238 0.0597 mag cloutier2014
S_4p5 15.813 0.0975 mag cloutier2014
S_5p8 15.9695 0.2513 mag cloutier2014

Non Fiducial Data

cluster_name ([char])
Value Error Ref.
h Per currie2010
mem_num ([integer])
Value Error Ref.
4 currie2010
Optical Photometry
B (mag)
Value Error Ref.
23.508 1.3830495291 mayne2007
V (mag)
Value Error Ref.
21.566 0.149 mayne2007
Ic (mag)
Value Error Ref.
23.508 1.3830495291 mayne2007
r_sloan (mag)
Value Error Ref.
21.083 0.03 bell2013
i_sloan (mag)
Value Error Ref.
19.611 0.024 bell2013
19.54 0.15 barentsen2014
z_sloan (mag)
Value Error Ref.
18.88 0.014 bell2013
ra (h m s)
Value Error Ref.
02 22 03.076 gaiacollaboration2018
02 22 03.074 flewelling2016
02 22 03.072 cloutier2014
02 22 03.077 bell2013
02 22 03.072 currie2010
02 22 03.068 mayne2007
02 22 03.079 barentsen2014
dec (d m s)
Value Error Ref.
+57 05 11.42 gaiacollaboration2018
+57 05 11.51 flewelling2016
+57 05 11.40 cloutier2014
+57 05 11.53 bell2013
+57 05 11.40 currie2010
+57 05 11.48 mayne2007
+57 05 11.72 barentsen2014
ra_deg (deg)
Value Error Ref.
35.51281672 0.9762 gaiacollaboration2018
35.51280833 10.0 flewelling2016
35.5128 cloutier2014
35.51282083 bell2013
35.5128 currie2010
35.51278333 mayne2007
35.51283 barentsen2014
dec_deg (deg)
Value Error Ref.
57.08650583 1.3195 gaiacollaboration2018
57.08653056 12.0 flewelling2016
57.0865 cloutier2014
57.08653611 bell2013
57.0865 currie2010
57.08652222 mayne2007
57.08659 barentsen2014